Our programs

Garden networkProgram
PFSP Garden Bed Network is a reservation-wide tribal household garden bed network that is now in its second year. We utilize the principles of “Direct Action” to deliver and install raised garden beds for interested participants. The garden beds include a frame, dirt, compost, tools, and seedlings (plant starts) at “No Cost” to the participant. We understand the importance of gardening for the healing of intergenerational traumas in our tribal communities, especially for the health and wellness of our participants.
This program was initiated through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, (CS&KT) through CARES ACT funding allocated in the Winter of 2020 in response to Covid-19. Peoples Food Sovereignty Program received donated Culled Elk, from the former National Bison Range before the transfer to CS&KT. Processed meat was then distributed to tribal households on the reservation. The program is preparing of it’s 3rd year with support from First Nations Development Institute and will have the opportunity to expand capacity to address the overpopulation of deer and the conservation of elk within the borders of the reservation.